
29 September 2010

*Pernah tak perhati tong gas kita kat umah?*

suatu hari tentu kengkawan akan menerima tong gas dari penjual @ membeli sendiri gas untuk tujuan memasak kan?? Kalau bukan kengkawan pon, ia mungkin akan melibatkan suami, isteri, anak, abang atau sesiapa sahaja.....
Ini adalah maklumat yang sangat berguna kepada kita untuk keselamatan bersama.
cuba kengkawan semak tong gas kat umah.
(cheh cam skema laks aku nie)



*************english version*************




Do you know that LPG gas cylinders have expiry dates?
Expired LPG cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents.
In this regard, please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from your vendor.
Here is how we can check on the expiry of LPG cylinders.
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as follows:
A or B or C or D and some two digit number following this, e.g. D06.
The alphabets stand for quarters -
1. A for March (first quarter),
2. B for June (second quarter),
3. C for September (third quarter), &
4. D for December (fourth quarter).
The digits stand for the year till it is valid.


Hence D06 would mean December quarter of 2006. Please return back the cylinder that you get with an expired date. They are prone to leaks and other hazards .


This second example of D13 allows the cylinder to be in use until December 2013.

k, sekian


  1. emm jarang betul sy cek.. bila de yang menyedarkan camni, baru lah p tengok.. :D

  2. chugie;

    tengok..... jgan x tgok.. untuk keselamatan kita sekeluarga..

  3. alynn pun xpernah check n amik kisah pun hal nie..thanks 4 the info kak..

    pic tong gas nie ehsan dr mr google atau tong umah akak..?? hikhik

  4. alynnz;

    same2 kita tengok tong gas kita yerk..

    pic to take direct from article sent by email..... kalu tong gas umah aku, lagi cantik dr tu, siap ada bunga2 keliling.. hehe


1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
Nak komen x perlu taip cepat cepat,
Yang penting gunakan bahasa yang sopan.

terima kasih in advance.....
(kalau komen x berbalas, bermakna aku x sempat, tapi yang penting tunggu kunjungan balas dari aku, k)

kedai barang dengan harga murah