
04 August 2010

*Five Little Ducks*

Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But only four little ducks came back

Four little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But only three little ducks came back

Three little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But only two little ducks came back

Two little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But only one little ducks came back

One little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But none of those little ducks came back

Mother ducks she went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
And all of those little ducks came back
P/S : sesuai x pic ngan lirik lagu
kanak2 kat atas
nu.. hehe


  1. wahh mama duck dgn anak duck jln2 tepian pantai...lg best swim2..! hehee ngan mare mas..

  2. emm ni lagu ye? ke poem? tak penah dengar lah masz... tp best kalau dpt nyanyi utk anak kn?


1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
Nak komen x perlu taip cepat cepat,
Yang penting gunakan bahasa yang sopan.

terima kasih in advance.....
(kalau komen x berbalas, bermakna aku x sempat, tapi yang penting tunggu kunjungan balas dari aku, k)

kedai barang dengan harga murah