
13 July 2010

*Marry Had A Little Lamb*

Marry Had A Little Lamb
Little Lamb (2x)
Marry Had A Little Lamb It's Fleece Was White As Snow
Every Where That Mary Went
Marry Went (2x)
Every Where That Marry Went The Lamb Was Sure To Go
He Follow Her To School One Day
School One Day (2x)
He Follow Her To School One Day That Was Against The Rule
He Made The Children Laugh And Play
Laugh And Play (2x)
He Made The Children Laugh And Play To See A Lamb At School
So The Teacher Turned Him Out
Turn Him Out (2x)
So The Teacher Turn Him Out But Still He Lingered Here
He Waited Patiently About
Patiently (2x)
He Waited Patiently About Till Marry Did Appear
What Makes The Lamb Love Marry So
Marry So (2x)
What Makes The Lamb Love Marry So The Eager Children Cry
Marry Love The Lamb You Know
Lamb You Know (2x)
Marry Loves The Lamb You Know The Teacher Did Reply

p/s : ilustrasi tiada kaitan dengan Marry.. woit!! itu my lil princess Aisha tau..


  1. lagu favorite anak saya..hehe

  2. lagu best...kita layan gak..hehe..ala pandai dh buat pic combine gitu..suke..^_^

  3. hehe, ekceli lagu ni masz akan dgar 1 ari 2 kali, 5 ari sminggu, tu pon kalu keje la..
    nape??.. coz lagu ni jadik lagu tema punchcard kami kat opis.. hehe


1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
Nak komen x perlu taip cepat cepat,
Yang penting gunakan bahasa yang sopan.

terima kasih in advance.....
(kalau komen x berbalas, bermakna aku x sempat, tapi yang penting tunggu kunjungan balas dari aku, k)

kedai barang dengan harga murah