
31 December 2009

*Our 4th Anniversary Today*

We couldn't possibly have known
when we began our married life
how entwined our lives would become
in our journey as husband and wife.
With every year and each passing day
you manage to say "I Love You"
in so many different ways.
May our anniversary remind us,
as we start the year anew,
that we share a special happiness life gives to just a few.

Our love is as strong now
as it was when we said our vows.
Your handsome smile still brightens every day.
Your loving heart brings me joy and laughter.
Thank you for being a wonderful husband.
I will love you always and forever.
How do I begin to tell you
how lucky I am to have you in my life?
I'll start by saying what an honor it is for me to be your wife.
You're my best friend in the good time
sand my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterday
sand my promise for tomorrow.
I never thought I could feel this loved
until I became your wife.
You made this year and every year
the best one of my life.
from MAMAaisha to PAPAaisha on 31.12.2009


  1. Happy Wedding Anniversary kak masz & encik madi...moga berkekalan bahagia & dirahmati Allah selamanya...amiiinnn


1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
Nak komen x perlu taip cepat cepat,
Yang penting gunakan bahasa yang sopan.

terima kasih in advance.....
(kalau komen x berbalas, bermakna aku x sempat, tapi yang penting tunggu kunjungan balas dari aku, k)

kedai barang dengan harga murah